Craving An Overdue Business Breakthrough? Master My Proven Sales Principles & Finally Generate The Time, Energy & Money You Deserve
In fact there are too many black women in business working too hard on the wrong things. This is keeping you away from the abundance of money, impact and freedom available to you through business.
My name is Bria Hash. I am an author, instructor and sales strategist. It is my sole mission to help women just like you to make more money, much more quickly by using simple but largely unknown sales strategies that are driven by human behavior.
I teach a lot about sales, human behavior, and even more about money.
To start, women, specifically black women don’t think or talk enough about earning money.
Don’t believe me? Let’s play a game of
Here is how it works. I am going to list 5 scenarios.
These scenarios happen as a result of something I call “resource mismanagement”. This essentially means that instead of seeing your time and energy as a tool to access wealth you’ve been giving it away to people and entities that don’t value it and don’t have the intention to give you a return.
If you can get through this entire list without finding anything you’re doing.
You’ve won the game.
You can say, “You’ve Got The Wrong Sista!”
& you can exit this page with no worries in the world.
Having effective and integrity driven sales systems is the #1 way to access what’s owed to you in business.
You’ve probably thought to yourself you need to market more.
When you have effective marketing you meet tons of people who likely need your help.
But it doesn't matter how effective your marketing is if you don’t understand how to move them from spectators to paying customers.
That’s why you’ve been doing your best marketing on social media, at events, with webinars, and so much more while never seeing your effort turn into dollar signs.
As black women, we are the first to offer our skills and talents to serve the vision and mission of others.
& the last to ask for the appropriate compensation for our time, energy and contributions.
This causes us to get caught in a continuous cycle of being underpriced, undervalued, and underleveraged.
It’s no question why we are burned out and missing the key resources we need to make our lives better.
Today that ends.
DAY 1:
DAY 2:
DAY 3:
DAY 4:
I believe there is a mandate on all of us to get serious about generating more revenue more quickly. That’s why I am not coming to play inside of this challenge. This isn’t the typical join free, make it or miss it, challenge. This is the challenge that will literally have you moving, receiving, AND behaving like a new improved visionary after the 4 days we will spend together.
9:30-10:30pm EST
8:30-10:30pm EST
The most human answer to this is that my daughter goes to bed at 8 oclock. Instead of making excuses about when I could show up for you-- I started setting my trainings at night when I could make sure that I’d be able to show up. Over time I’ve received so much appreciation from moms, working people and others who are occupied during the day but are serious about growing their business.
After signing up you will receive an email from with your access link to the private app. Please be sure to check your SPAM folder if it doesn’t appear in your main inbox after 10 minutes.
Replays will be left up for 24 hours.
This challenge is not free because the transformation is not free. This is the kind of challenge that will change you and your business forever. It’s very simple, I don’t facilitate inaction. When people pay up, they show up & I'd like for you to show up READY TO RECEIVE your breakthrough.
Students that sign up for the VIP Experience will get the opportunity to get feedback on their work and other questions during our private session that starts at 830 pm EST.
By whose standards?
If you don’t have the cash flow you need or desire you need to be in this challenge. You have been called to lead others, provide jobs, etc. this requires money & a lot of it.
Join us to collapse time lines and unleash profits that will change your quality of life and the life of everyone connected to you.
Absolutely, no question.
After signing up you will receive a private access link to the private community.
Look out for the email that says “ Access The Black Women Sell More Challenge Community”